Thanksgiving Gratitude, Become More Peaceful

 Thanksgiving Gratitude, Become More Peaceful   

     In conducting research for my book, “Secrets Your Boss Isn’t Telling You,” many managers and supervisors mentioned the importance of living a balanced life, believing in yourself, and acting with integrity. As a result, chapter 13 is titled “Excellence in Action–6 Principles for Practicing Authenticity, Integrity, and Belief in Yourself.”

     One of the tips I share in that section is to be more contemplative. Spend time just “being.” And make a habit of being grateful. This certainly applies to Thanksgiving gratitude. For example, try getting up a little earlier in the morning, and spend at least 10 minutes in prayer, meditation, or silence. Read inspirational or motivational literature. As you focus on being more peaceful, you’ll become more peaceful. Try an experiment: first thing out of bed, get on your knees and be grateful. Then, write down five things you are thankful for that day. I do this almost every morning of my life. I am thankful for the beauty of the day.

     Gratitude reveals the good in lessons from our past, helps us live for today, and creates positive expectancy for tomorrow. Practice being grateful and you’ll become grateful.

“If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” ~ Harold Kushner 

CREDENTIALS: Colleen Seward Ryan has interviewed more than 200 managers and a handful of top executives and CEOs. She is an international workplace and employee management expert, award-winning corporate trainer, and conference keynote speaker. A media veteran, she has appeared on numerous radio shows around the country and has written more than 40 popular articles on diverse workplace issues. Colleen has delivered more than 1,100 entertaining programs in 48 states and five countries. She is the author of 10 published audio programs and two books including SECRETS YOUR BOSS ISN’T TELLING YOU.

Colleen Seward Ryan is available for keynotes, breakout sessions, and seminars by calling (623)340-7690.