What if you could know what your boss is thinking? Their top concerns, worries, professional likes and dislikes? Who they want to hire, promote, or fire and why? And what if you’re a student about to enter the workforce, or already in it? As an author, award-winning speaker, and workplace expert, Colleen Seward Ryan has delivered more than 1,100 entertaining programs in 48 states and five countries. She has interviewed over 200 managers and a handful of top executives and CEOs to find out job-critical secrets about employees that bosses don’t share easily. Many revealed details of what they expect and, more importantly, don’t expect from their employees. Armed with this insight–whether you’re in the workforce, or a student, or both,–you’ll be better prepared to communicate successfully with others. Maybe you’ll receive more recognition–or even a raise!
*Please note: this demo video is simply an illustration or “audition” of Colleen’s keynotes, breakout sessions, and seminars on leadership, managing people, dealing with difficult people, and improving communication and morale.